Kabarak University ICT Manager suspended after uni’s Facebook account was hijacked

Charles Ouma reports: Kabarak University has announced the way forward after its Facebook account was seized by a group of cyber criminals that has been using the same to spread malicious and misleading images and content that contravenes the institution’s Christian values. A statement released by the university’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Henry Kiplangat assured all stakeholders that all necessary measures have been taken to regain control of the page and prevent any further unauthorized access. Read more at Pulse. It sounds like the Kenyan university’s ICT manager was suspended until further notice over the incident and the university created a new page rather than continue to try to wrestle the page back from the hacker, who had demanded Ksh68,250 (500 dollars) to return control of the page to them. But “gang of cybercriminals?” The hacker, who reportedly left them a note challenging them to try to reclaim the account, signed themself as a student from one of Jakarta’s IT-based high schools and changed the university’s profile picture to what may or may not be their real picture. They also apologized for the content of what they had posted and didn’t intend for it to be taken seriously.

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